Eight Tips for Staying One Step Ahead of the Competition (And Maybe the Client, Too)

A guide to trend-spotting for accountants.

by Bruce W. Marcus
Professional Services Marketing 3.0

Learn to question everything you do. Ask yourself the question, “This is the way I did it yesterday. Is it the best way to do it today?” You’ll be amazed at the answer.

In every aspect of life, there is nothing – not an article, not a process, not an event – that is unaffected by something else. That’s why everything you do – large or small – will ultimately change, whether you choose it or not.

Is change a marketing tool? Absolutely, if understanding and dealing with it puts you a step ahead of your competitors. And remember, evolution is constant, and change is coming – whether you participate in it or not. Change is not an option, when the old way is made obsolete by competition.

And so the response to the changing needs of the marketplace, and the need to compete, completely altered the nature of the practice – and continues to do so. In three and a half decades, there has been a substantial evolution. It’s a microcosm of the evolutionary cycle. It continues today.

While evolution can rarely be accelerated, nor its ultimate destination be accurately foreseen, there may be ways in which it can be accommodated. Accommodation is essential, simply because control of events, when possible, mitigate unpleasant surprise.

Several things beyond outright behavior modification can make it possible for both professionals and marketers to participate in the change process: