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Top 100 Influential People Telberg
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Telberg and 27 contributors and commentators named among profession’s “most influential.”

By CPA Trendlines

CPA Trendlines is pleased and honored that founder and CEO Rick Telberg is again named by Accounting Today one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the profession.

“Besides his own insights and those generated by the research arm of CPA Trendlines,” Accounting Today says, “Telberg has emerged as a major impresario for new thought leaders (including some of our T100), ushering them into the spotlight through both his Web site and his book publishing operation.”

In addition to Telberg, the Accounting Today Top 100 named 27 other CPA Trendlines contributors and commentators: August Aquila, Ron Baker, Dave Bergstein, Chandra Bhansali, Jason Blumer, Gary Bolinger, Jim Boomer, Gary Boomer, Jim Bourke, David Cieslak, Gale Crosley, Tom Hood, Randy Johnston, Roman Kepczyk, Allan Koltin, Teresa Mackintosh, Barry Melancon, Ed Mendlowitz, Jay Nisberg, Jody Padar, Terry Putney, Marc Rosenberg, Joel Sinkin, Doug Sleeter, Jennifer Warawa, Jennifer Wilson, and Sandra Wiley.