Learn to Embrace Failure

Coats hanging on wall hooksIt often comes when we tackle new work.

By Bill Reeb

The learning process is often frustrating. So why is it so difficult to learn new things?

MORE: What a Pro Knows | Appreciate the Joy That Comes From Work | COVID-19 Crisis Requires New Mindsets | 3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’
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One answer is that we don’t have “hooks” for what we don’t know (neither the mental acuity nor the physical skills). An example of this is found anytime businesses train their employees.

What a Pro Knows

Golf club by tee at tee box, looking downhill at holeWhy brutal realism is the only true path to achievement.

By Bill Reeb

During golf season, I like to hit practice balls at the driving range.

MORE: Appreciate the Joy That Comes From Work | What Would Make You Happy? | Don’t Let Opportunities Become Detours | Covid Crisis Requires New Mindsets | Do You Have a Goal or Just a Speed? | What Are You Giving Priority? | 3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers | Learn More By Letting Go | Don’t Let Others Block Your Path | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’
GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

I also like to take lessons with my golf professional – mostly playing lessons as opposed to ball striking lessons, because just hitting the ball is far less of a problem than the lapse of synapses striking properly in my brain.


Appreciate the Joy That Comes From Work

Climber standing atop mountain with another in distanceStop wishing your life away.

By Bill Reeb

We spend about 99.7 percent (statistic totally fabricated but the phrase “vast majority” would certainly apply) of our time en route to some objective. If you can find happiness, serenity or a feeling of success only when you arrive at your intended destinations, then you are destined to be unhappy or feeling unsuccessful almost all of the time.

MORE: What Would Make You Happy? | Don’t Let Opportunities Become Detours | Covid Crisis Requires New Mindsets | Do You Have a Goal or Just a Speed? | What Are You Giving Priority? | 3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers | Learn More By Letting Go | Don’t Let Others Block Your Path | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’
GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

I remember my wife and I vacationing in Puerto Rico many years ago. We decided to go to the El Yunque National Forest Reserve and walk up to the top of one of the El Yunque mountains. Given that we like to hike, this was not a difficult climb because it was only about five miles roundtrip on a paved path.

Prepping for Post-Crisis Opportunities

Click for the video and the handouts. No-charge, no-obligation with password: FREE (until June 30)

Free Video Learning: Get ready today for the rebound to come with these top ten practice management video courses.

From The Succession Institute

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, CPA Trendlines is partnering with The Succession Institute to offer free access to some of its most popular video training programs. This is a limited-time-only offer, expiring June 30.

CPA Trendlines readers can use the password “free” (all lower case) for each video (plus the handouts) and get more details here.

Now is the time to re-think and re-plan how you want your firm to evolve and prosper as this pandemic fades into the background.  The videos are packed full of ideas and opportunities to become better, faster, and stronger in the future. READ MORE →

Don’t Let Opportunities Become Detours

Perception vs. reality: How opportunities can cause chaos.

How to stay on track toward your goals amid chaos and confusion.

By Bill Reeb

Without clear direction, every alternative seems like an opportunity.

But with direction comes a course of action, whether that is to preserve what you have or achieve something different.

MORE: Covid Crisis Requires New Mindsets | Do You Have a Goal or Just a Speed? | What Are You Giving Priority? | 3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers | Learn More By Letting Go | Don’t Let Others Block Your Path | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’
GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

Knowing what direction you want to head will drive the creation of a plan. And the greatest benefit of planning is that it provides you with a sanity check to know when you are drifting off course.

Regardless of whether we are talking about your personal life, career, or business, I believe it is nearly impossible to get to your desired destination or to accomplish your goals in a straight line.

We end up straying from our original course because of the mistakes we make along the way. Opportunities become detours. And chaos ensues

Covid Crisis Requires New Mindsets

Train tracks going both ahead and off to leftDon’t let inertia choose for you.

By Bill Reeb

Inertia can be like drifting, which actually describes what many people do. What I mean is, many people just do more of what they did yesterday to keep afloat, or robotically attempt the next incremental step forward from where they are right now. It is as if they are treading water working hard throughout life and just letting the current take them wherever it is going.

MORE: Do You Have a Goal or Just a Speed? | What Are You Giving Priority? | 3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers | Learn More By Letting Go | Don’t Let Others Block Your Path | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’GoProCPA.com

Exclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

SEE ALSO: For a limited time only, free video courses from The Succession Institute to help firms prepare for the New Normal: Get all the details here.

The breakdown in this approach is that it presumes you are exactly where you want to be right now and that the current is going in the direction you want to go. Overachievers often find themselves in this predicament: working hard treading water going with the current without a clear direction in mind.

3 Early Warning Signals for Overachievers

Businessman stuck in pavementWhat “getting stuck” and “being stuck” mean in practice.

By Bill Reeb

Based on experiences in my own life and decades working as a coach and consultant to very successful business executives and owners, getting more out of your life often comes down to how quickly you recognize and respond to the early warning signs like losing momentum, suffering from diminishing returns on your efforts, or experiencing the disconnect between what you are thinking and what you want to do.

MORE: Learn More By Letting Go | Don’t Let Others Block Your Path | How Overachievers Can Get ‘Unstuck’
GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

Overachievers get stuck regularly. For us, this is simply life in action.

COVID Crisis Separates the Winners from Losers

Bill Reeb, 2019-20 AICPA chairman, explains how today’s coronavirus crisis is transforming the profession – and the world – forever.

^ Click to play

By CPA Trendlines

Today’s coronavirus cataclysm is changing the ways CPAs in both the public and the private sectors do business, revamping in a few traumatic days what would have taken five years, says Bill Reeb, the 2019-20 AICPA chair, in a video interview with CPA Trendlines.

CPA Trendlines is providing FREE access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: Start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

“It has already had an amazing effect,” Reeb says. “We have fast-forwarded the technology by at least five years. The use of technology has skyrocketed. And people are starting to say, Okay, we got to get people working at home, and we’ve found ways to communicate with each other during the day.” READ MORE →