The Partner Compensation Checklist

It’s a process.

by Gary L. Adamson
Adamson Advisory

There is a constant topic of conversation both inside firms and at almost every conference. It is the age-old question of partner compensation and “how do you do it”. As our firm grew, we evolved from everyone is equal, to the “slip of paper” approach, to a more goal driven, performance based system. Every firm is a little bit different but the issues surrounding how you split the pie are pretty consistent.


The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Reading MAP Statistics

Don’t focus on what’s average. Be exceptional.

By Marc Rosenberg
The Rosenberg Survey

I have never ceased to be amazed at the lack of understanding that partners – including Managing Partners – have about reading a MAP Survey and computing MAP statistics. These difficulties prevent partners from properly using a MAP Survey for the purpose for which it was intended: to improve firm performance. Here are some of he biggest mistakes I see again and again:


Seven Steps to Building a Great Partnership

August Aquila
August Aquila

What makes an accounting firm great? by August Aquila Aquila Global Advisors  Too many firms don’t give a lot of thought to the question.Their main concern is surviving. But the sooner a firm can start focusing on what makes a great partnership, the better off it will be. Think about this, if you don’t address this question, how will you know if you are admitting the right types of partners?  What technical and personal skills would you want? What personal values (character) would you look for? Here are seven characteristics that form the foundation of a great partnership. If you are missing any of them or if you merely need to improve in some areas, now is the time to start strengthening your firm’s foundation. READ MORE →

Tax Season 2011 Disappoints Some

Despite economic recovery, many firms seem unable to capitalize on new opportunities. Click here to join the Tax Season 2011 survey; get the results.

March survey results show 18% of accountants reporting "much" better overall results than a year ago and 26% reporting "somewhat" better results. Source: CPA Trendlines Research

Tax accountants are finishing the 2011 busy season with stronger results than they expected, but – perhaps surprisingly — not as strong as last year, despite somewhat improved economic conditions.

CPA Trendlines research suggests that many accounting firms may have over-reacted to the 2007 market crash by cutting staff and billing rates, leaving them unprepared to capitalize on the opportunities of the 2011 recovery.