What Is an HEIC File?

Drop the JPGs for better storage capacity.

By Rick Richardson
Technology This Week

On all iPhones and iPads, the default image format is HEIC. Along with Apple, HEIC files are supported by Canon, Sony, Qualcomm and Samsung.

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Here is all the information you need about the HEIC file format.


How to Fight Feeling Overwhelmed

overwhelmed businessman covered in sticky notes

Five ways to turn a tough day into a great one.

By Sandi Leyva
The Complete Guide to Marketing for Tax & Accounting Firms

The exact solution to managing your “overwhelm” level will depend on what the source of your overwhelm is. You can also be suffering from more than one source of overwhelm.

MORE: The Art of Prompt Engineering for Accountants | Grow Your Revenue with Three Marketing Strategies | What Can ChatGPT Do for Accounting Professionals? | Generative AI: Should You Avoid It or Adopt It? | Want Better Clients? Here’s How | Four Ways Small Firms Can Beat Large Ones
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Here are five tips to help you manage the most common sources of overwhelm.

1. Find support.

Is your overwhelm related to your packed schedule?

The Art of Prompt Engineering for Accountants

The latest skill you didn’t know you needed.

By Sandi Leyva
The Complete Guide to Marketing for Tax & Accounting Firms

With the rise of artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT, accounting professionals need to add a new skill to their toolbox: prompt engineering. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have much to do with engineering, and the learning curve is quite achievable for everyone. The best part is that the payoff can be game-changing.

MORE: What Can ChatGPT Do for Accounting Professionals? | Grow Your Revenue with Three Marketing Strategies | You’re Missing 60% of Your Revenue | Calculate Your Business Relationship Ratios | Make the Most of CPE Conferences | Set Bold New Goals for the Rest of the Year | Generative AI: Should You Avoid It or Adopt It?
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Prompt engineering delves into a world where numbers meet language. While it might sound like a far cry from balance sheets, ledgers and tax forms, it’s an easy concept to understand. Let’s dig into the basics and benefits of prompt engineering for accounting professionals.

Printer Ink: Not Just Expensive, but a Blatant Scam?

Are you really sure how much ink you’re buying?
By Rick Richardson
Technology This Week

Those incredibly cheap entry-level printers you find when sorting your options by “price lowest” can be very alluring if you’re in the market for a new inkjet printer. However, don’t assume it shows you’re getting a good deal.

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Just as a drug dealer can offer a cheap initial “sample” to get you hooked before raising the price on all subsequent transactions, printer manufacturers use a similar business strategy. They can easily make up any loss from the printer’s discounted sale by offering its ink cartridges for exorbitantly high prices. The printer firms then keep you on the hook for paying these outrageous ink rates for the duration of the printer, which is a very lucrative revenue stream for them.

Let’s take a closer look …

Two Words Define Your Work Future in the AI World

The boundary you must cross to ensure future success.

By Hitendra Patil

Imagine there is no artificial intelligence.

I know it is tough to imagine this, but for the next two minutes, just imagine there is no AI.

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GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

How have you been working as an accounting professional without AI so far?

You’re Missing 60% of Your Revenue

Here are four ways to stop leaving that money on the table.

By Sandi Leyva
The Complete Guide to Marketing for Tax & Accounting Firms

Accounting firms have done a great job adopting paperless office technologies, the web and even cloud computing, so you may feel you have been doing all you can to streamline margins, become “client-centric,” as some consultants call it, and grow your practice. But I believe there is even more opportunity that very few, if any, in the accounting profession have fully identified or embraced.

MORE: Calculate Your Business Relationship Ratios | What Can ChatGPT Do for Accounting Professionals? | Generative AI: Should You Avoid It or Adopt It? | Want Better Clients? Here’s How | Get Your Name in the News | Four Ways Small Firms Can Beat Large Ones | Why You Need a Link-In-Bio Tool
GoProCPA.comExclusively for PRO Members. Log in here or upgrade to PRO today.

I only bring this up because I believe most CPA firms are leaving about 60 percent of their potential revenue on the table (and I can prove it). Worse, they are not sharing their badly needed financial expertise with more businesses that could be greatly helped, especially now.