Tax Professionals Find It Increasingly Difficult to Keep Up with Late-Changing Tax Regs

The number of practitioners reporting major issues with code & reg changes doubles.

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By CPA Trendlines Research

Across the country, a lot of CPAs felt downright punished this busy season as they got hit by problems from all sides. Nobody reported earthquakes or tsunamis, but it seems a bunch got slammed by something worse than a tectonic pounding.

Bam! Pow! Oof! Yes, it was that dynamic duo, that tyrannical twosome, that yoke of you-know-whats: the United States Tax Code and the Internal Revenue Service.

According to the CPA Trendlines Busy Season Survey, 12% percent of respondents report a busy season “much worse than last year.” Another 24% had a “somewhat worse year.” Add them up, and more than a third of the nation’s tax preparers suffered a painful busy season.

And the most commonly cited complaint are difficulties with the tax code, ranging from the requirements of the Affordable Care Act to the new Repair regs.