3 Reasons the Deals Aren’t Stopping for Busy Season

robert_fligel_headshot.jpgAt one time, you could count on busy season to provide respite from mergers and acquisitions and talent snatches.

But not this year.

Robert Fligel (pictured), the New York-based CPA firm broker and headhunter, reports that unlike past busy seasons, this busy season is as busy as ever.

“My theory is that it might have something to do with more partners looking at the slowing economy as a time to sell while other forward thinkers are thinking growth by acquisition,” Fligel says. “Whatever it is, we are seeing an extremely active market unlike past busy seasons which tend to be the quietest historically.”

The reasons:

  1. Retirement-minded partners,
  2. succession issues and
  3. a slowing economy.

Check out Fligel at RF Resources.