FIRMS TO WATCH: Clayton & McKervey Surges with “Razor-Sharp Focus”

But that “razor-sharp focus” can cut two ways.

C&M specializes in clients with cross-border needs. But IFRS experience can be hard to find

We first reported on the Detroit-based local firm with global reach last year (in “28 Firms Win AAM Awards“) and again last month (in “FIRMS TO WATCH: Clayton & McKervey Surges with ‘Razor-Sharp Focus.’

Now the prolific and insightful Dona DeZube writes about the firm’s recruiting strategies at JobsInTheMoney.

What kind of recruits is the firm looking for?

Clayton & McKervey serves only middle-market entrepreneurs who want to expand globally. Such focus makes it easy to train employees, but harder to find the accountants it wants: Those who already know both IFRS and GAAP.

Working in such a tight niche makes it relatively easy to train employees, but harder to find accountants who already know the business. “There’s not a vast amount of accounting talent that understands IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) as well as GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles),” managing partner Donald Clayton explains.

Where does C&M finds new job candidates?

Most of Clayton’s experienced hires either come from smaller firms or have transferred to the Detroit area. Partner Kevin McKervey recruited one recent hire from China, after meeting her at an International conference. Another new employee worked for Deloitte in Mexico for eight years, then followed her spouse to the Motor City. Not all hires have international experience. “We find good, tax-oriented people and we have the expertise to train them and the international assignments to keep them challenged,” Clayton explains.

The firm also hires recent college graduates if they have a solid GPA and evidence of extracurricular success, says HR Manager Rebecca Porritt.

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