Crisis on the Horizon

A call to arms for accountants.

piggy-bank.jpgJames Reeves writes: “Some politicians and economists, generally Republicans and including McCain advisor Jack Kemp, will tell you we can grow our way out of the deficit problem. And I’ve personally felt pretty closely aligned with these so-called supply-siders over the years. But I’m aligned with CPAs too. And when the Comptroller General of the United States, with all he knows from 10 years on the job, tells us that growing our way out is impossible, and if we don’t act it could bankrupt America, I’m not going to doubt him.”

So what can we do?

One Response to “Crisis on the Horizon”

  1. KC Truby

    How about a spending freeze for just one year? After that, it would not be that hard to convince America that we should only increase spending with the population – we would have the books balanced in short order. KC Truby