New Year’s Resolutions: AOMAR’s Top 5 for 2009

Prepare to succeed in a changing market.

The economy may mean that CPA firms are rethinking 2009 goals and initia­tives, but AOMAR believes there are opportunities for those who will pursue them. Here’s their top five…

1. Be prepared. Firms that have bench­marks and a solid plan are ahead of the game in coping with the unknown.
2. Focus on staffing and leadership development. Communicating with staff is always im­portant. In a time of change, it is absolutely necessary for education, for continuity and productivity, and simply to reassure.
3. Control costs.
Saving money is definitely back in style, both for your practice and – especially – for your clients. As far as as your clients are concerned, these are the times they’ve been paying you for all these years.
4. Don’t forget the basics. While you may adjust budgets and tactics in various areas, it is important to keep up your efforts on orientation and onboard­ing for new hires, your alumni programs, efforts to involve all staff in marketing, and updating and training on your technology systems and software.
5. Take care of yourself and your people. Stress takes a toll on all, so do what you can to encourage good health habits in your firm, in controlling the hours that people work, and carving out time for communications and for fun. These are the ways to stay strong so you and the firm can do what must be done in the months ahead.

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