The Battle for the Center Gets Heated

Mid-Sized Accounting Firms Step Up Competition for the Heart of the Market.

Source: CPA Trendlines

by Rick Telberg

No one is fighting harder for every new client and every new dollar than the accounting firms in the middle of the market, according to new CPA Trendlines research.

Nationwide, an astonishing 86% of mid-sized firms (those with five to 15 partners or about 51 to 100 employees) have been stepping up their marketing efforts, according to the new study.

To be sure, firms of all sizes are increasing their marketing activities  — from solosists (about 47%), to 2-to-10-person offices (55%), through 11-to-50-person offices (73%), and the more-than-100-persons offices (77%). But it’s in the 51-to-100-person category that the battle seems most heated these days.