Fired. A True Story.

From Mrs. CPA:

A few weeks ago at work, we discovered that a schedule prepared during our year end close had an error in it.

I was the manager who reviewed that schedule first. My boss reviewed it and it was used in several different places during our close process. We determined that the error in the schedule, when carried through all of our work, caused a seven million dollar mistake in an expense. (This was not $7 million in cash, however.)

I was very worried because of the error, but since it seemed to not be a big deal during conversations I was a part of, and conversations that were relayed to me, I thought it was taken care of and we were moving on. Our work might be subjected to increased scrutiny in subsequent periods, but the issue was basically dropped as far as I knew. This was almost three weeks ago.

Obviously not.

Continued at… Mrs. CPA: Fired. A True Story.