Ten Questions for Teamwork

ALSO: How to divide up back office support roles.

By Penny Breslin
It’s Not Just the Numbers

I’ve developed a series of questions to assess someone’s aptitude for being on a team. Each person in your firm who is a possible member of the back office support (BOS) team needs to answer these questions. That includes you, as you are a potential team member.

MORE: Build Your Team, Then Choose Your Clients | Advisory Services Done Your Way | Yes, You Can Be an Outsourcer | How Back Office Support Adds Value | AI Is Not Your Enemy
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Ask others in your firm or people you work with outside your firm to give you feedback on these questions as they see you and the other potential members of your team. Their responses will give you a second filtering of your potential as well as others you would like on your team. Notice these are not questions relating to the competencies in accounting functions. The assumption is that you and your people already possess those skills.