Tech Tips for Back Office Support

BONUS: A case study with LOTS of specifics.

By Penny Breslin
It’s Not Just the Numbers

I love the question I get when I set up someone on back office support systems. “What do I need to have to get this started?”

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I tell them I need to know your name, address, phone number, EIN/SSN and your passwords. Except for the guy who closed his bank account and had to have the old statements mailed to him, I run with a Chromebook and make sure there is accessible Wi-Fi when I go onsite. If I need to collect documents that have never been digitized, I just have them download Dext and start snapping pics. No paper, no pen, no mess and typically a stunned prospect who wants to become a client. See, I can’t sell, so I let the technology do the selling for me.