How’s YOUR Busy Season?

accountant-betty-mug.jpgFor Betty, the owner of an “all-female” accounting firm in Cincinnati…

Busy season is slowing down. All the deadlines, the incredibly tight deadlines, have been met, sometimes surpassed, and our clients are happy with us. It was the easiest busy season we’ve ever had. The teamwork we accomplished would have put P&G to shame, I think. I’m proud of the folks I work with, proud of the clients I serve, proud of my accounting firm…oops. I meant to say, OUR accounting firm. (blush)

More from Inside Betty’s Head…

One Response to “How’s YOUR Busy Season?”

  1. DRCR

    Hey Betty…

    We’re having a blast this tax season. Looks like you are too. But I’ll be glad when it’s over.