Sir David Tweedie Winning the War for IFRS

Once branded ‘the most hated accountant in Britain’ by The Scotsman newspaper, IASB chairman Sir David Tweedie (pictured) is now poised to take over the world.

He turned UK accounting standards on their head and got Europe to adopt IFRS. Now Tweedie is ready to bag the big prize: America

The Securities and Exchange Commission has relented on one of its most stringent – yet increasingly pointless – bureaucratic demands: the requirement that overseas companies listed on Wall Street publish a reconciliation between their IFRS reporting and US standards, revealing all the key differences in their profits and balance sheet between the two sets of rules. Continued at Financial Director…

One Response to “Sir David Tweedie Winning the War for IFRS”

  1. Mary in Missouri

    Is US GAAP becoming irrelevant?!

    1. I don’t want to have to learn a new set of standards at my age.
    2. I don’t see why I should have to.
    3. I wouldn’t trust anything but US GAAP.
    4. I don’t see why anyone else should either.

    Is this what we pay our dues monies for?