SURVEY RESULTS: Accounting Firms Re-Accelerate Technology Spending

Vast majority of firms investing heavily.

Clearly, the accounting business is in recovery, if tech spending is any indicator. Roughly seven in ten CPAs are reporting that they will be stepping up their IT investments this year.

Here are additional topline results for the CPA Tech Savvy Survey 2010:

  • You are generally on the leading edge of adopting new technologies, with the best software and equipment available.
  • But you admit that you may lag in follow-up training and long-term planning.
  • Improving current systems is tops on your strategic wish lists, with “going paperless” and “improved efficiency” leading the agenda.
  • And you’re looking to upgrade critical hardware and apps: laptops, notebooks, printers and tax and accounting software.

The 2010 study remains open. Join the survey; keep up with new results.


What’s on your wish list?

Here’s one of our favorite comments so far:

If I could change anything about my company’s technology setup it would be management’s recognition of the value dual monitors, laptops, and faster response times with systems. We are consistently told by management we are in “high performance positions”; however, there is nothing high performance about the equipment in our offices. (Most of us have better computer setups in our own homes than we do on our office desk). Since many senior managers are not hands-on when it comes to computers they don’t recognize the time and money loss that goes with less than “high performance” computers and systems.

Here’s another:

I would like to see our firm develop an ongoing strategic plan, with the commitment to continual maintenance and replacements. We tend to love the technology and are fine with making initial financial investments, but we need to realize that technology requires attention beyond that.


Paperflow from clients to be more paperless, my own company’s ftp portal.

Of course, some people are never satisfied:

We have two monitors for everyone now. Let’s make it three a piece.

One Response to “SURVEY RESULTS: Accounting Firms Re-Accelerate Technology Spending”

  1. Stephen C. Mathis, CPA

    I do not believe it.

    From what I see, no one is set to “surge” on any kind on spending.

    The economy is NOT good and the CLOWNS in Washington have NO CLUE as to what they are doing.

    We are in for a long road towards recovery.

    Winston-Salem, NC