The Accountants’ Growth Play Today

Look deeply into employment trends for the profession and you may be surprised.

As reported in Accounting Industry Extends Growth Trend, licensed CPA firms are lagging in headcount growth behind non-CPA accounting providers.

Employees are booking more hours, but wage growth is getting cut back. There are more jobs and better pay for higher-paid positions and for men. Fewer new jobs and smaller pay increases for women and production workers.

And at CPA firms in particular, employee rosters are growing more slowly than at non-CPA firms, pay increases are coming slower, and fewer women are getting hired back.

The data points may be signalling a shift by CPA firms into high-end services and more profitable operations. And low-end competitors are seizing the new opportunities.

Played right, we believe there are opportunities for everyone. Played wrong, and…?

– Rick Telberg
President / CEO


One Response to “The Accountants’ Growth Play Today”

  1. TT

    Duh – licensed CPA firms are lagging in headcount growth behind non-CPA accounting providers

    Reason many Non CPA accounting providers such as myself an EA MBA take NOLO CPE review units to become thoroughly enmeshed in tax law.

    While CPA’s try to raise their fees to the point of chasing away customers and also heavily rely on lackluster backroom help.

    I love these strategies as they grow my practice without having the need to do much in the way of advertising.