Bissett Bullet: Are You Their Most Trusted Advisor?

Today’s Bissett Bullet: “Be your client’s first, last and ultimate line of defense in making sure that their business and personal aspirations come to fruition.”

By Martin Bissett

The best hope of a business owner’s successful startup, project or even eventual exit remains in the hands of the most caring and proactive accountants.

Very often you will be their only support. They carry the burden of ultimate responsibility for the financial security of their business, their team or their own family. Show them that you understand, are invested in their success and are there to make that burden lighter. Come to them with solutions that save them time, money and stress and you will cement your position as their most trusted advisor.

If your clients can sleep at night because you are there to guide them, to act as a sounding board, to offer a friendly ear and to help them make the most difficult decisions, why would they ever leave?

Today’s To-Do:

In what ways do you demonstrate you are caring and proactive to your clients? Are there any improvements you can make to ensure that your clients feel fully supported at all times by you and your team?

See more Bissett Bullets here