A Business to Count On: Tax Prep Firms’ Valuations Rise 9%

Happy Tax season! Here’s the good news.

It’s not easy finding strong businesses in this economy. But today, the day before April 15th is a good time to discover a new report from BizEquity.com that shows at least one business with rising valuations: tax preparation.

Of a sample of 35,000 tax prep companies (all privately-held), there was a 9% growth in valuations – from $71,007 to $77,181. The top cities included: Columbus (33%), San Antonio (28%) and Chicago (20%).

Publicly-traded tax prep firms have not held up as well. H&R Block (NYSE: HRB) has gone from $21.18 to $15.16 over the past year. Still, Intuit (Nasdaq: INTU) has shares have fallen only 4%.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Get the full report from BizEquity (5 pages, PDF)

One Response to “A Business to Count On: Tax Prep Firms’ Valuations Rise 9%”

  1. Lynn M

    Recession-proof jobs! Ben Franklin said it in 1789, “Our Constitution is in actual operation. Everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.”