NY CPA Society Falls into Line on Mobility

Society Board Finally Endorses UAA Section 23 on Interstate Practice

The NYSSCPA Board of Directors has voted unanimously  to support Section 23 of the Uniform Accountancy Act, which would, if made law, allow out-of-state licensed CPAs to provide attest services in New York without having to notify the state or pay a fee as long as their home state is deemed to have licensing requirements “substantially equivalent” to those outlined in the UAA.

New York state has had a long and sometimes ambivalent relationship toward Section 23 of the UAA.   In 1999, the NYSSCPA first supported and legislators introduced an accountancy reform bill that included Section 23 UAA mobility.

“Differing requirements for CPA certification, reciprocity, temporary practice and other aspects of State accountancy legislation constitute artificial barriers to interstate practice and mobility of CPAs,” sponsoring legislators said in their memorandum of support for the 1999 bill.

However, the effort failed and continued to do so for as long as the provision was included in the subsequent accounting reform bills over the next nine years, according to NYSSCPA.ORG.

One Response to “NY CPA Society Falls into Line on Mobility”

  1. Krupo

    The fact that you have essentially 5 times as many jurisdictions as Canada and such strict laws against mobility always baffled me as a Canadian CA.