Linkedin Leads in Social Media Strategies

Accountants shun Facebook and Twitter.


Linkedin has established itself as “the premier social networking site” for tax, accounting and finance professionals, according to a new study by a veteran of the CPA profession.

And well over three in four professionals are planning on increasing their use of Linkedin while mostly ignoring Facebook and Twitter.

What are your plans for using Linkedin over the next 12 months?

“Social networking has arrived,” says Barry MacQuarrie, CPA.CITP and director of technology at KAF Financial Group and operator of the blog, after surveying about 500 finance and accounting professionals in the U.S. and Canada.

Professionals are using social media chiefly to “connect with business associates,” as well as “keep up with family and friends,” according to the survey.

What are your goals for social networking?


To be sure, professionals remain wary, worried most about privacy and productivity issues.

What are your biggest concerns about social networking?

For the full report, get the INSTANT DOWNLOAD:  SocialCPAs (PDF, 13 pages)

6 Responses to “Linkedin Leads in Social Media Strategies”

  1. Dan Hosford

    LinkedIn has a really interesting proposition and will always be useful to marketers and to companies looking to source new business. It’s a great way of connecting people in a business context. This is very different from the social data or the data share.

    I very much doubt that accountants use LinkedIn as the primary way to connect with friends online, nor the primary way to share information about themselves. However I do believe it could be the primary way their connect/ share learnings with other accountants as well as get new business.

    Linkedin has a unique role to play and is very useful but I find the title of the article misleading. In fact ‘social media’ itself is an inaccurate term. LinkedIn is not a ‘social networking’ site. It is a business focused resource that’s technology allows more data to be shared and consumed more easily

  2. Eric Majchrzak

    Twitter is packed with small business and entrepreurial clientele looking to switch accountants….lot’s of personal tax opportunities as well.

  3. Betsy Pass

    I love LinkedIn, but think Twitter has a lot to offer CPAs. I know of a CPA that built her entire practice through connections on Twitter. It is an under-appreciated networking opportunity in the accounting world.

  4. Eric Majchrzak

    There are many ways to work LinkedIn and other social sites into your daily routine without losing productivity….provided you have set some clear business objectives!

  5. Wray Rives, CPA

    LinkedIn is definitely coming around as a source of new business and I do tend to get better quality clients from there, but on sheer numbers I still get more new leads from Twitter.

  6. Robert Samuel

    Great article about Linkedin. I have a Linkedin account, but I definitely need to give it the attention it deserves. :-)