Seven Diagnostic Tools that Can Build Your Business

Easy ways to connect with clients and find new ways to help.

by Rick Telberg

Face it: Clients don’t really care about taxes, accounting, auditing, financial reporting, comps, reviews, bank recs or all the other stock and trade you live by.

They do, however, expect you to care about that stuff – and to know it inside out. And you probably do. After all, that’s why they hired you – so they don’t need to worry about it. So what does every businessperson really want to talk about? That’s easy: Making money. Selling. Closing on new business.

Every businessperson cares about success. And, particularly if you’re working in your own practice, you can talk like a pro. You already know this old dictum from the late business guru Ron Zemke: You’d better be serving the customer or serving someone who is. So where do you start? Glad you asked!