Same Game, Same Name, Different Rules

Bruce W. Marcus
Bruce W. Marcus

Nine questions CPAs need to ask before hiring a public relations agency.

By Bruce W. Marcus
Professional Services Marketing 3.0

There was a time when all you needed was a roll of nickels and a phone booth, and you were in the PR game. Of course, all clients expected then was that you get their names in the paper. For most of the publicity clients in those days, that was sufficient.

Those days were the late 1920s and 1930s, before PR became Public Relations, and before we were beset with such glorious concepts as image, and positioning, and niche marketing. Today, public relations is infinitely more sophisticated than that, as is the public relations client. The public relations program for any modern corporation is to its publicity ancestor as desktop publishing is to hieroglyphics. And of course, the public relations program for the professional firm is different, too.