How to Measure Social Business… and Why

cpas-love-facebook1It’s not just for fun, so treat it like any other metric.

By Jody Padar
The Radical CPA

When I began dabbling with Twitter and Facebook, it was more out of personal interest. I found Twitter to be a fantastic place to learn. I became an active listener and then engaged, putting out information I thought people would benefit from.

MORE ON RADICALISM: How to Become a Social Business | Make the Cloud Work for You | 5 Ways to Capitalize on Trends | Embrace Disruption | Who’s Your Competition? EVERYONE | How the ‘New Firm’ Was Born | 3 Questions to Ask If You Dare
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I still do this today. I interact with everyone I can as I learn and share. I compare it to the partner who always took important paper articles and put them on my desk. I just do it via social and digital.