Stop Wishing Your Life Away

Climber standing atop mountain with another in distanceLearn to appreciate the joy that comes from and surrounds the work.

By Bill Reeb

We spend about 99.7 percent (statistic totally fabricated but the phrase “vast majority” would certainly apply) of our time en route to some objective. If you can find happiness, serenity or a feeling of success only when you arrive at your intended destinations, then you are destined to be unhappy or feeling unsuccessful almost all of the time.

MORE: Determining Your Desires Should Be an Active Process | A Clear Direction Provides You a Sanity Check | Refining Desire | Roadblocks from People with Good Intentions | 3 Ways to Get ‘Unstuck’
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I remember my wife and I vacationing in Puerto Rico many years ago. We decided to go to the El Yunque National Forest Reserve and walk up to the top of one of the El Yunque mountains. Given that we like to hike, this was not a difficult climb because it was only about five miles roundtrip on a paved path.