Ruthlessly Efficient Workflow Management

Work smarter, not harder.

By Frank Stitely
The Relentless CPA

For years, I’ve written angry-man blogs flogging CPAs and tax preparers for not treating their practices like businesses.

More Stitely: What the Value-Pricers Get Wrong  |  Four Amusing Millennial Myths  |  The Annual Tax Meeting is Dead. Clients Killed It.   |  3 Rules for Asking Great Tax-Return Questions  |  Where Workflow Management Runs Off the Rails  |  Three Ways Your Office Tech Is Ruining Your Firm  |  When Value Pricing Works  |  The 4 Dark Clouds Hovering Over Cloud Accounting Software  |  Value Billing on the 19th Hole  |  The IRS and Big Data Gone Bad  |  Will Zero Data Entry End Your Tax Practice?  |  Three Trends That Will Transform Your Tax Practice or Eliminate It  |  Value, Billem & Dunn: A Value Billing Case Study  |  How to Make an Extra $72,000 by Working Smarter  |

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I coined the term “ruthlessly efficient workflow management” to promote the marriage of project management and delegation.