Eleven Ways New Staffers Can Help Bring in Business

Confident businesswoman handing man a business card in networking session

Look for additional service areas as well.

By Ed Mendlowitz
202 Questions and Answers: Managing an Accounting Practice

QUESTION: As a young staff accountant, how can I bring in new business and clients?

MORE: Should You Merge? Here’s How to Chart Your Path | Hold Staff Accountable If You Want Them to Listen to You | How to Raise Your Rates | Higher Fees to Start: Ten Ways to Make Your Tax Season Better | Three Ways to Start an Accounting Practice | Free Consultation? Not Always | Referral Fee? Forget It | How Much Is Your Tax Practice Worth? | Merge in Lower-Priced Work without Losing Out
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RESPONSE: You shouldn’t be as concerned about bringing in business as you should be about planting seeds to be able to bring in business in the future.

Eleven points worth considering: