Amazing, endearing story of 72-year-old accountant open all night

Holocaust survivor, CPA, JD, serves the Lower East Side of New York: Henry Reininger, The All-Night Accountant.

With his wife and youngest daughter in an East Village storefront, he works into the wee hours. Eight million stories in this city.

This Reininger’s story, in black-and-white and in his voice: click here (slide show with audio, 2:30, Flash required).

2 Responses to “Amazing, endearing story of 72-year-old accountant open all night”

  1. LaskeyCPA

    God Bless You! You and your wife and daughter are superhuman! FROM one CPA to another

  2. Alexandra DeFelice

    Great find, Rick. I’m passing it on with credit to you.
    Alexandra DeFelice
    Accounting Tomorrow