50 Ways to Create Value for Business Owners and Board Members

Woman interviewing another woman

Why a valuation should be performed on a regular basis.

By Ed Mendlowitz
77 Ways to Wow!

Here we’ll identify 50 ways that a valuation professional can provide something far more valuable than a number. While the valuation profession is under pressure to reduce costs or prepare a report, the business owner is better served in the long run retaining a valuation professional who provides greater insight to operations.

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The true market value of a business is only determinable when it is sold to an independent buyer – and even then, it is only for that time with that buyer. However, there are many reasons for valuing a closely held business that can provide valuable insights to the owner; these same reasons also underscore how credentialed professionals add value to business owners and board of directors. These are also not commodity services that warrant a low fee.