Wayne Schulz: 5 Reasons I Hope My Competition Skips the Class on Social Media

What’s Social Media?

Wayne explains:

To my competition… I say it’s all a huge enormous waste of time. I warn them repeatedly not to waste their precious time with LinkedIn or Facebook. Instead keep writing fat checks for direct marketing or telemarketing that bring in under a 1% response. Ignore the fact that while costs of direct marketing grow every year the effectiveness shrinks twice as fast.

Get the 5 Reasons…

One Response to “Wayne Schulz: 5 Reasons I Hope My Competition Skips the Class on Social Media”

  1. Wayne Schulz

    Rick – thanks for the mention on this. I’m still half serious that I hope my competition doesn’t pick up on this increasingly effective marketing effort.

    I’m doing a session at IT Alliance on it in April and of course the Sage Insights one in May.

    I’ll see you there.