Five Keys to Successful Marketing

man looking at five giant keys on the ground

Do you have a plan, or just a lot of activity?

By August J. Aquila
Price It Right: How to Value Accounting Services

There are, of course, a lot of things you can do to have a successful marketing campaign, but here are five that you should seriously consider.

MORE: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? | Five Questions for Developing Your Marketing Plan | You Only Have Four Strategies | The Damage That Traditional Fee Methods Do
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1. Create a marketing culture in your practice.

At the end of the day, it’s your firm’s culture that drives results. How would you define your current marketing culture? What is important and rewarded in your firm – bringing in new business, identifying new opportunities for existing clients, generating awareness for the firm in the marketplace or billable hours and administration? A marketing culture is outward looking and helps your people look for ways to expand the practice with profitable work.