Salary Offers to New Accounting Grads Hit the Wall

Compensation for accounting majors rises less than 2%. The staffing crisis is so-o-o-o-o over. The overall average salary offer made to 2009 bachelor’s degree graduates is $49,353—nearly identical to the 2008 average of $49,300.

Get What You’re Worth

Savvy CPAs know the secret. What’s your best tip? Sound off here. by Rick Telberg/At Large Are you getting paid what you are worth? According to our soundings, those finance and accounting professionals who understand and can express to their … Continued

Six Success Secrets in Finance

How CPAs can master the essence of excellence. by Rick Telberg/On Finance Why do some accounting shops excel while others stagnate? Good question. And it’s probably best answered not by looking fearfully at the dismal swamp of stagnation, but by … Continued

Get Paid What You’re Worth!

CPAs speak out on compensation issues. Next question: Are you ready for tax season 2008? Join the survey; see the answers. by Rick Telberg Here’s something rather surprising: Slightly more than half of the accountants we surveyed actually think they’re … Continued