Happy 25th Birthday to Microsoft Windows

Will it get another 25? It was 25 years ago this week that Microsoft released Windows 1.0. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said at the time that Windows 1.0, which carried a suggested retail price of $99 in 1985, was “unique … Continued

25 Surefire Ways to Keep a Client for Life

Arnold Sanow

Client service is not just smile training — it’s about treating people the way they wanted to be treated.

by Arnold Sanow

In today’s fast-changing and competitive environment, excellent client service is not only nice but essential for success. In fact, the only way to differentiate yourself and to become less of a commodity in the marketplace is through outstanding service.

MORE: Arnold Sanow at CPA Trendlines

The strategies for keeping clients for life can be honed down to some basic steps that any business owner can use. READ MORE →