Client Service Ideas? It’s in the Doing.

Hoisted from Comments: Edi Osborne, Kevin Phillips. Four Tough Client Service Problems: And dozens of possible solutions from staffers… …is getting a lot of buzz. But some of the best has come from two, coincidentally, West Coast consultants. Edi Osborne … Continued

CCH’s David Bergstein Gives Back

Teaching for the Good of It David Bergstein CPA, CITP, loves his job at CCH. As director of strategic relationships, he is actively engaged in networking, building partnerships with CPA associations, and establishing relationships that are win-wins for CCH and … Continued

Four Fast and Easy Tech Fixes for CPA Firms

How to take quantum leaps, even in busy season. by Rick Telberg If your accounting firm or finance department is pushing off technology decisions to the IT department, you may be pushing it off to the wrong people. Not that they … Continued

Accounting Firm Mergers: What Could Go Wrong?

Plenty. The real work starts when the deal is done. by Rick Telberg As if busy season wasn’t busy enough, many accountants are finding themselves weighed down by the added burdens of integrating a new practice merger or grappling with … Continued

Don’t Let “Flat” Be Your New “Up”

6 tips to help you get beyond cutting costs, and start building your business. In order to compete in this new economy, chances are you’ve already pared down your operations. You’ve also probably adopted “flat revenue” as the new measure … Continued

Integration: Seven Keys to a Successful Merger

Remember rule number one – “No integration, no successful merger.”

by August J. Aquila

You decided to conduct a merger to achieve some strategic objective, you went through all the emotional turmoil of getting both parties to sign the documents, and you think you are done.