CPA firms are anticipating a happier new year.

IOMA forecasts some margin relief in 2010 for accounting firms. “Many firms and owners are anticipating higher revenues and have taken steps to adapt to the economic environment so that growth can continue or resume. Some of the steps include … Continued

The Top Recession Lesson for 2010

Lesson #1: Reading situations clearly and quickly, without rose-colored glasses. Next question: What to expect for 2010? Join the survey; see the results. by Rick Telberg At Large While some accountants and CPA firms have been reacting to the business … Continued

CCH: Hi Tech Essential to ‘High Performing’ Firms

CCH rolls out white paper on role of technology.

… Which shouldn’t be surprising, considering CCH is in the tax and accounting technology business. But CCH’s research adds some perspective to the importance of progressive thinking in creating  a competitive firm.

Here’s the full release:

Creating a long-term sustainable business advantage is the key to success for accounting firms, in both good and challenging times, yet some firms do it better than others. What’s their secret?

CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business ( commissioned an independent nationwide survey examining the practices of high performing accounting firms to examine what market leaders are doing today to achieve success and what their plans are for the future. The survey, conducted by Opinion Research Corporation (ORC), included interviews with 100 partners at accounting firms nationwide.

Across the board, the survey found that high performing firms are more likely to leverage technology to help them in the critical areas of staffing, client service and practice management to optimize performance.

“High performing firms look at technology as a fundamental part of their business platform,” CCH President Mike Sabbatis said to an estimated 1,000 tax and accounting professionals in his keynote address at the CCH User Conference. “Most of these firms include technology in their strategic plans and clearly see the critical role it plays in their success.”


Five Clues You’re Working for a Loser

Accountants who believe they work for a relatively superior organization are far less likely to be looking for their next job. by Rick Telberg With the economic downturn bringing sometimes brutal pressures to bear on corporate finance, many companies are … Continued

CPA Leadership Lessons for Turbulent Times

And three new rules for surviving today’s management challenge.  by Rick Telberg In these times that test the mettle of accounting and finance leaders and mangers, it may be worth pausing for a moment to ask if the rules are changing. … Continued