Will the New Congress Reform 1099 Regs?

Don’t bet on it. via CCH Because Congress and the IRS both have a lot of issues to address at year-end, little guidance on 1099 compliance will be forthcoming until after the next filing season, according to John W. Roth, … Continued

M&A Fever Grips Major CPA Firms

Economic slowdown sparks shake-outs, consolidation by Rick Telberg At a pace perhaps not seen since 1999 when the threat of the “Y2K” bug stoked huge technology updates, today’s leading accounting firms and finance organizations are overhauling their systems, personnel and … Continued

The Five Big Trends Pinching CPA Profits

‘Dealing with the recession has not been pleasant or easy.’ Steve Erickson www.SteveEricksonLLC.com The “Great Recession” has reduced the spending of countless millions that has a negative impact on the clients we serve. As a result, our revenues have been … Continued

Why Some Succeed and Others Fail

How building the right kind of “learning organization” can be the key to long-term survival. by Rick Telberg Doug Thompson, the recently retired president of the CPAmerica network of accounting firms, was thinking about the key to success in today’s … Continued

The Talent Battle Never Sleeps

Recession-resistant performance linked to continuous staff development. You can’t wait for the next economic boom to accelerate recruiting, nurture leadership training for future leaders, and assemble formal succession plans for your top partners, according to a massive, year-long study. You … Continued