15 Deal Breakers and Non-Negotiables in Mergers

Prepare for the unexpected.

By Marc Rosenberg
CPA Firm Mergers

Potential deal breakers in a merger negotiation can crop up at any time – and unexpectedly. But here are 15 that seem to occur more often than others. In most cases, one firm wants something, the other firm doesn’t and the two can’t agree on how to resolve the conflict. Be prepared. READ MORE →

Today’s 15 Essential Deal Points in Accounting Firm Mergers

With 5 specifics on price and 5 on compensation.

By Marc Rosenberg
CPA Firm Mergers

There can be an almost unlimited number of  terms that both sides in a merger of accounting firms can haggle over. And sometimes they do.

MORE on CPA FIRM FIRM MERGERS:  Do CPA Firm Mergers Really Work?   |  6 Steps to Handle Staffing Problems in a Merger  |  13 Ways CPA Firm Mergers Can Go Wrong  |  Nuances and Idiosyncrasies: The Top 12 Issues that Complicate Mergers  |  Talking Merger? The Basic 7-Item Agenda for the First Meeting  |  10 Special Implementation Issues in a Merger of Equals  |  In Merger Talks: 13 Essential Questions Small Firms Must Ask Larger Firms

But these days, only 15 really matter. Get past these 15 and you’re on track to close a reasonable deal. Still, be warned: the devil’s in the details. READ MORE →

Do CPA Firm Mergers Really Work?

6 metrics to measure success. Procrastinators’ 3 myths. And 5 steps you can’t skip.

By Marc Rosenberg
CPA Firm Mergers

As a generation of aging Baby Boomer partners marches towards retirement, thousands of firms are seeking the only exit strategy available to them – merge into another firm. Thus has a voracious appetite for mergers been created at all size levels, particularly:

  • Sellers who are sole practitioners (remember, 30,000 of the U.S.’s 45,000 AICPA-member firms are solos and a huge percentage of those are at an advanced age) and multipartner firms billing under $2 milllion a year.
  • Buyers with annual revenues of $3 milion and more.

Do mergers work?

Well, that’s what doing a merger successfully is all about – asking the “right” questions.
Look at the reasons why the merger was done in the first place and see if those goals were met.

Good examples of the “right” questions: READ MORE →

6 Steps to Handle Staffing Problems in a Merger

And the top 8 questions every staffer will ask.


By August Aquila
Creating the Effective Partnership

To get your employees’ commitment to the merger, they must understand how it impacts them personally and see the opportunities for themselves.

Let’s assume that the announcement for the upcoming merger or sale is handled properly. In other words, it was not leaked or there were no rumors on the street. You can be sure that once the announcement is made, employees start thinking about one thing — How does this event affect me? This is about self-preservation; it’s an emotional and psychological question that everyone will ask themselves. READ MORE →

Talking Merger? The Basic 7-Item Agenda for the First Meeting

The ultimate success of a merger is directly proportional to the effort made by both firms.

According to Marc Rosenberg, of CPA Firm Mergers, each firm must ask lots of questions, agree on as many merger implementation issues as possible before the merger takes place and openly share as much of their “dirty laundry” as possible. “Don’t assume anything,” Rosenberg says.

In merger talks between well-matched firms of similar size, the best deals seem to start with the right agenda at the first meeting. It’s a seemingly simple seven-item agenda. But the discussions are rarely simple. Nor should they be.

Agenda for the First Meeting: READ MORE →